Christianity and African Culture in Nigeria

Author Details

Metala, Ajana Clinto

Journal Details


Published: 22 May 2019 | Article Type :


This study examined the impact of Christianity on African Culture in Nigeria. The study emphasizes more on religion and way of life of Africans and Europeans. In view of the findings made in this study, the researcher realized that there are areas of conflict and influence which are: modes of worship, birth and naming, eating fishes from sacred streams, marriage customs, magic charms and witchcraft and so on. Christianity as we have it today is a western culture of worshiping their own God which has positively impacted on Africa culture of living life and worshiping their own ‘’gods’’ popularly known as deity. Based on this assertion, the researcher assiduously made the following recommendations: The two religions should have good communication and respect for each other’s belief and that’s why some honest pastors will tell you ‘’give Caesar what belongs to Caesar and give God what belongs to God’’. From time to time, there should be educative programmes by churches or group of persons with in-depth knowledge of religions where people are enlightened more about religion on a neutral ground to avoid misconception in our society.

Keywords: Christianity, Culture, Nigeria and Africa.

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How to Cite


Metala, Ajana Clinto. (2019-05-22). "Christianity and African Culture in Nigeria." *Volume 3*, 2, 26-33